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School is Open School is Open

Rick Hunt, Principal


Rick Hunt


Rick HuntWelcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Rockport Elementary!!  This year is going to be another exciting year for all of our students.  Our theme for this year is “What you need to KNOW!”   KNOW being an acronym for 4 things we want to focus on this year!


First is K for Knowledge.  We come to school to learn!  That is each student’s primary responsibility each and every day.  This year we want to help students understand more about how they learn.  We want to connect them to areas of interest, and help them grow their knowledge in those areas.  We want students to be excited about their learning and the knowledge they are gaining each day.  


Next is N for Need.  Every year we take a lot of tests.  We hope to help our students understand what those tests tell us so the students also know what they need to work on.  Students should know that mistakes are normal and an important part of the learning process.  Tests help us understand what we are doing well with, but also what we need to work on.  We hope to make students a partner in understanding their learning and where they may need to grow.


O is for Others.  At Rockport, we work hard to support our students' growth both as scholars and as citizens.  Each month we focus on Character Traits that help us be the best version of ourselves as students, but also the best version of ourselves as a part of the community.  We want students to be good neighbors, caring for those around them, supportive of others, and tolerant of differences.  We want students to understand how to work collaboratively, know what it means to have synergy as a team, how to disagree respectfully, and how to work together towards a common goal.


Finally, the W is for Wonder.  We want students to be excited about learning.  To find joy and wonder in school.  Our team will be working hard to connect learning to things that excite students.  We are working hard to plan activities that bring a touch of wonder to the work.


The Rockport Elementary family is so excited for this school year.  We have a lot of learning ahead, and we can’t wait for you to KNOW more!


Your principal,

Rick Hunt