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Contact Guidance

Guidance Counselor
 Matt Martin
Guidance Secretary
Jennifer Wilhelmus
Ph. 812-649-9157
Fax 812-649-2214
South Spencer High School
1142 N. Orchard Rd.
Rockport, IN 47635

Anxiety/Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Tech Tools

For Immediate Help
  • My3 is a crisis support app for people who experience suicidal thoughts.  Users can choose three trusted people from their contacts list to place on the app.  It also guides users through creating their own safety plan, where they list warning signs, coping strategies, distractions, their "reason to live," and more.  There's also a further resources page that links users to organizations that help people with specific needs.  
  • Calm Harm is a free app that provides teens with dozens of ways to derail self-harm impulses.  Five and 15 minute activities and an in-app timer help users turn their attention to healthier ways to handle emotions and manage impulses to hurt themselves.  
Ongoing Support
  • Sanvello is an app that helps people choose goals from the "What are your goals?" list and select a "good time to focus on yourself each day."  Track your mood daily and get suggestions about the activites in the "tools" based on your mood and goals. 
  • Virtual Hope Box helps users access immediate reminders of hope in moments of stress.  They can also choose puzzles, relaxation exercises and guided meditations, and "coping tools" (self-created cards, activity planning alarms, and a phone contact list) in the app to consolidate many resources in one app.  
For a Positive Focus
  • Apart of Me is an interactive game that guides kids who are dealing with loss of a loved one or their long-term illness through a process of grief.  Digital components interact with real-world activites in an effort to teach kids healthy coping skills and to work through their pain of loss. 
  • My Gratitude Journal encourages users to list five things they're grateful for each day.  With consistent use (at least three weeks of daily entries), users can "rewire" their brains.  The passcode-protected entries - including photos, written text, and emojis - can be shared via social media, if desired.  It also includes daily inspirational quotes.  
  • Three Good Things - A Happiness Journal is a very simple, free journal app that enables users to record three positive experiences every day.  Created by a teenager, the app is based on brain research that suggests focusing on positive moments daily can increase happiness.  
  Crisis Text Line Instructions