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2024-2025 Scholarships

The Elks National Foundation Scholarship                                 ADDED 9/5/24

The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2025 competition. Male and female students compete separately.  

Ranging from $1,000 per year to $7,500 per year, Most Valuable Student scholarships are for students pursuing a four-year degree, on a full-time basis (minimum of 12 semester hours), in a U.S. college or university. 

Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.
Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks.
High school graduates are not eligible to apply.
Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are submitted; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.

All scholarships are in the form of certificates of award conditional upon the full-time enrollment of the winner in an accredited U.S. college or university.

Copy and paste link in the URL to access the application

APPLICATION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 12, 2024                                         ADDED 9/5/24 is a valuable resource for finding scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities. You are encouraged to check the website regularly since new opportunities are added frequently.

VU - Jasper Scholastic Excellence Award Scholarship                                        ADDED 9/10/24  

The SEA Scholarship is a one-year scholarship that provides students full tuition (up to 15 credit hours per term), $500 VJU Bookstore voucher (per term), and a laptop.

- Class of 2025 Graduate
- Weighted GPA of 3.5 or above
- Apply for admission to VU-Jasper by January 15, 2025
- Accepted into the University by priority deadline of March 1, 2025
- Must complete FAFSA by April 15, 2025
- Must qualify for in-state tuition rate.

Visit website for more information

KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM                                        ADDED 9/16/24

The Knights of Pythias Academic Awards Committee is announcing scholarship opportunities for Class of 2025 graduating seniors.  30 -$1,000 scholarships will be awarded. (Complete the public version of the application unless you are a member or related to a member of the Knights of Pythias or Pythian Sisters, then you will use the respective member application).  A copy of your transcript and essay (600 words or less) is required.

Deadline January 31, 2025

DUCKS UNLIMITED SCHOLARSHIP                                           Added 10/1/24

To be eligible for the Ducks Unlimited Scholarship, students must meet criteria, including academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, and a demonstrated commitment to conservation.  There are over 60 scholarships available ranging from $500 - $10,000.  Detailed information about the application process, eligibility requirements, and deadlines can be found at

Application Opens on October 15, 2024

Deadline March 1, 2025

INDIANA SENIOR BETA SCHOLARSHIP                           IAdded 10/2/24

The Indiana Beta Council is offering scholarship opportunities of $1,000 and (2) $500 to Indiana Beta Club members.  All applications must be turned in to the Guidance Office by Oct. 21st to be considered - only 2 applicants can be selected to be sent to the review council. See the website below for the application and scholarship timeline.  Paper copies are available in the Guidance Office.

Indiana Senior Beta Scholarship

Submission Deadline:  October 23, 2024

Next Generation Hoosier Educator Scholarship                            Added 10/2/24

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education is currently accepting applications for the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship, which provides up to $40,000 of financial aid to aspiring teachers.  This is a renewable opportunity.

High-achieving high school and college students who plan to teach in Indiana for at least five years can receive up to $10,000 per year of college (up to $40,000 total) from the scholarship. Students must apply by January 31, 2025, at

To qualify for the scholarship, students must meet one of the following academic requirements:

  • Rank in the top 20% of their high school graduating class OR
  • Have a top 20th percentile score on the ACT (25) or SAT (1110) OR
  • Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale


Bally's Evansville Project 21 Scholarship                              

ADDED 10/22/24

Project 21 is an educational program designed to communicate the consequences associated with under-aged gambling.  Three (3) $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to the three best entries (Poster, Essay and Video).  One entry per student is allowed.  Scholarship Winners will be notified by May 2, 2025.  Guidelines and Applications are available in the Guidance Office.  Questions can be sent to Ashley Justice at .


INACAC 2025-26 SCHOLARSHIP                                                                                    ADDED 11/1/2024


The Indiana Association for College Admission Counseling scholarship opportunity is now available.  To be eligible, students must:


  1. Have a completed application 
  2. Be a high school senior entering an Indiana college or university
  3. Submit a letter of recommendation
  4. Complete the essay prompt within the application


The online application and additional information can be found at


INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY GONGAWARE SCHOLARSHIP                                              Added 11/5/24

The 2025-2026 Gongaware Scholarship application is for students planning to major in financial services or insurance and risk management at ISU.  To be eligible to apply, students must be admitted as an incoming freshmen to Indiana State University.  Qualified students must possess one of the following three criteria:

  1. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
  2. An 1140 SAT (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math) or 23 ACT
  3. Ranking in the top 15% of their senior class.

The Scholarship Application and additional information can be found at ISU Gongaware Scholarship


Deadline:  December 15, 2024


ISU NETWORKS SCHOLARSHIP                                                                          ADDED 11/8/24

The ISU Scott College of Business scholarship opportunity is available for application.  Information, requirements and criteria:

- $9,000 for 4 years ($36,000 total)

- $3,000 Professional Development Fund

- Must be majoring in business at ISU

- Must meet 1 of the 3 academic requirements:

- Top 15% of Senior class

- Cumulative GPA of 3.5

- 1140 SAT or 23 on ACT.

Application can be found at

For questions and additional information contact Sam Fox, ISU Recruitment Lead, at 414-510-2257, or

Deadline:                    Must be accepted to USI by December 1, 2024

Must complete the Networks application on the Branch by  December 15 



Key Club Scholarships                                      Added 11/12/24

Senior members of the South Spencer Key Club are eligible to apply for a number of scholarship opportunities.  The application is posted at the website listed below. You will be required to create an account to view the scholarships available.  All applications must be submitted online.  Transcripts are required to be uploaded - please contact the Guidance Office to request a copy.

Deadline:  February 1, 2025

Spencer County Community Foundation Scholarships           Added 11/19/24

The Community Foundation Scholarship application is now open and can be found at

On December 5th a representative from the Foundation will meet with all Seniors to discuss the opportunities available.

Senior Information Meeting:  December 5th at 10:30

Deadline:  Monday, January 20, 2025


2025 Memorial Hospital Foundation Scholarships                                                             Added 12/2/24

The 2025 Memorial Hospital Foundation Scholarship applications officially open on January 1st.  A link to full and detailed scholarship descriptions and application is linked below:

2025 Memorial Hospital Scholarships

Deadline to Apply:  March 15, 2025

PLAY FOR KATE SCHOLARSHIP                                                           Added 12/4/24

PFK Scholarship applications can be found at PFK Scholarship Application

All questions can be directed to


E’VILLE IRON STREET RODS, LTD.                                           Added 12/4/24

An E’ville Iron Street Rods Ltd. Automotive Education Scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $3,000.  This opportunity is open to seniors enrolled in Auto Body or Auto/Diesel Mechanics classes who plan to continue their education in the automotive area, such as mechanics, auto body work, or diesel machines.  Paper applications are available in the Guidance Office.



The Rothrock family has scholarships up to $1,000 to a candidate(s) who meets the following criteria:

  1. Graduates of SSHS and graduating Seniors
  2. Applicant must be accepted into the education or business program or a college or university
  3. Applicant can be a high school senior or a student currently attending a college or university full-time.
  4. Has a 3.0 GPA who will be enrolled full-time in a college/university for the academic year 2025/26.

Download Scholarship Application.  For paper applications or an application in Word form, please contact the Guidance Office. 

DEADLINE:  March 31, 2025


Ted Hitch Scholarship                                                                                          Added 12/11/24

Liberty Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce the Ted Hitch Scholarship Program.  Ten scholarships in the amount of $5,000 each will be awarded to graduating high school seniors.  To qualify for LFCU’s scholarship, seniors must meet the following criteria:

  1. Applicant or applicant’s parents/guardians must be a member of LFCU for at least 18 months prior to the March 7th application deadline.
  2. Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.75 at the end of the fall semester.
  3. The use of at least 3 LFCU services is required by the student or the parent.  

Additional information and applications can be found at  Paper copies are also available in the Guidance Office.

DEADLINE:  Must be RECEIVED by March 7, 2025


Right to Life Scholarship                                                      Added 12/18/24

Right to Life of Southwest Indiana is offering an Oratory, Art, & Essay Scholarship opportunity.  Scholarships range from $1,000 - $75.  Scholarship rules and applications can be found at Paper information can be picked up in the Guidance Office



600+ scholarships up to $25,000 each.  See the link before for a listing of scholarships available to Indiana Seniors and requirements.

Deadline:  March 1, 2025

Southern Indiana Power Operation Round Up Scholarship                                              Added:  1/20/25

Website for guidelines and application  SouthernIndianaPower

DEADLINE: 2/15/25

NEXT GENERATION HOOSIER EDUCATORS SCHOLARSHIP                                          ADDED 1/24/25

The Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship (guidelines and application in link) provides top-performing high school and college students interested in pursuing a career in education the opportunity to earn a renewable scholarship of up to $10,000 per year (up to $40,000 total). In exchange, students agree to teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school or repay the corresponding, prorated amount of the scholarship. The Commission will review all applications and notify applicants of their scholarship status via email by April 2025.


INDIANA SHERIFFS’ ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP                                                             ADDED  1/24/25

I.S.A. Scholarship Program qualifications:

  • All applicants must be an Indiana resident
  • All applicants must be committed to pursuing an education and career in a law enforcement field at an Indiana college or university
  • All applicants must be a current member of the association, or a dependent child or grandchild of a current member of the association
  • All applicants must enroll as a full-time student (12 hours).

Paper applications are available in the Guidance Office.  


Gill Wedding Orthodontics Scholarship                                       Added 1/27/25

Gill-Wedding Orthodontics is offering 2 nonrenewable $1500 scholarships to high school seniors who are in treatment or have completed treatment with Gill Wedding Orthodontics.  Paper applications are available in the Guidance Office.

Deadline:  March 21, 2025 (postmarked)

Rockport Elementary Remembers Scholarship                                                   Added 1/28/25

The Rockport Remembers Scholarship will provide (2) $250.00 scholarships to two SSHS students who attended Rockport Elementary for the entirety of their Kindergarten through 5th grade years.  The scholarship is available to any former Rockport Elementary student who will enroll in higher education, will be entering the workforce via employment, or who is enlisting in the military.


  • Excellent attendance record
  • Excellent citizenship
  • Attended Rockport Elementary entirely K - 5th grade
  • 2.5 GPA or higher OR information around the circumstances of a lower GPA

Application Requirements

Submit a letter to the Rockport Remembers Scholarship Committee via mail (200 S. 6th St., Rockport, IN 47635) or email .   The letter must contain the following.

  • The candidates' full legal name, current address, email address, and phone number.
  • An introduction of the candidate telling about themselves and their interests.  Should include confirmation of the qualifications listed above.
  • A description of what the candidate remembers of Rockport Elementary:
    • Examples of what they found valuable or memorable about their years.
    • Teachers who made a difference in their lives.
    • Other examples of how Rockport Elementary shaped their growth.
  • A description of the candidates intent to enroll, enlist, or to be employed.  Should include:
    • School of enrollment and intended course of study, branch of enlistment, or information on future employment.
  • Brief description of how these funds will be used.

For a paper copy of the requirements and additional information, see the Guidance Office


KIWANIS INDIANA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP                                                     ADDED 1/29/25

The Indiana Kiwanis Foundation is offering a $1,000 non-renewable scholarship to a graduating Senior who has plans to attend a school in Indiana for their post-high school education.  The scholarship application can be found at or paper copies of the application are located in the Guidance Office. Completed applications can be returned to the Guidance Office.


ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SCHOLARSHIP                                                               ADDED 2/3/25                                                     

The SVDP Scholarship Program is available for any student attending a trade school or technical certification program, pursuing an Associate’s degree or participating in an apprenticeship.  Award is up to $1,500 per semester (renewable for up to 4 semesters).  Obtain an application form on St Vincent De Paul Jasper District Facebook page, request via email at , or contact the Guidance Office.

Deadline:  March 16, 2025

The Wanderers Scholarship                                                   Added 2/10/25

The Wanderers award up to 2-$1500 scholarships annually for students who are pursuing a trade school education program. This could be mechanics, welders, beauticians, plumbers, electricians, etc. See QR code below for application and additional information.

Deadline:  March 15, 2025

James Stott Engineering Scholarship                                                                           Added 2/14/25

Eligible students must:

  • Possess a 3.3 cumulative GPA from high school
  • Plan to enroll in electrical engineering, electrical technology, or computer engineering immediately upon high school graduation
  • Must be a permanent resident of Dubois, Gibson, Knox, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh or Warrick County in Indiana 

The scholarship application can be accessed at (submission link).  In addition, applicants shall also include:
• An official high school transcript
• One letter of academic recommendation from a teacher or academic advisor
• A one-page typed essay detailing their scholastic achievements, interest in electrical or computer engineering, and past experiences that influenced their career path

Any questions can be directed to Darlene Moog at or call 812-479-5170.

Deadline:  March 7, 2025

Hagan Scholarship                                                               Added 2/21/25

The Hagan Scholarship Foundation has scholarship opportunities for Seniors meeting the following criteria:

  • 3.5 GPA or higher
  • Enrolled in a 4-year college or university
  • Must work 240 hours from January 1, 2025 to September 1, 2025.

See for more information and to access the application.

Deadline:  March 15, 2025

Hoosier Hills Credit Union                                            Added 2/24/25

Hoosier Hills Credit Union is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating Senior.  Paper applications are available in the Guidance Office.

Deadline:  March 14, 2025