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Drug Abuse

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse

1 in 4 teens has taken a prescription drug that was not prescribed for them by a doctor. Every day 2,500 teens take a prescription pain reliever for a non-medical use for the first time. Abusing prescription medication is not safer than taking illegal "street" drugs. Teen prescription drug abuse can result in addiction, health issues, and even death. 64% of teens (age 12-17) that have abused prescription pain relievers say they got them from friends or relatives. Take Action Now! Create a safe environment. Know what is in your medicine cabinet, properly dispose of unused or expired medications, secure all prescriptions in a safe place and educate family and friends (especially grandparents). Next, notice common signs of abuse such as, physical and psychological changes, academic changes or pills missing. Talk to your teen by being open and non-judgmental. Communicate regularly and discuss the dangers of prescription drug abuse.

Parents, below are some resources available to help with the discussions of drugs and alcohol with your child. The preteen and early teen years are an important time to discuss this with them.