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School is Open School is Open

Rockport Gallery

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Volunteering at School
Reminder to parents chaperoning field trips or volunteering in school, a Volunteer/ Chaperone Application and a Hold/ Harmless agreemant will need to be filled out and returned to school office prior to the scheduled field trip or school activity. These can be picked up in the school office or found on the corporation website under "Employment". You can call the office to find out if we already have an approved application on file for you. The approved applications are good for 4 years.

Keep Sending in Box Tops!!!
Box Tops, fundraisers and the Spring Carnival have helped the PTO purchase school supplies for all students the last 3 years.

Bullying Reports
For questions, concerns, or to report bullying incidents, please contact Mrs. Ford. Please email information whenever possible for record keeping purposes and include contact numbers.   eMail: 

Internet Safety

Walking Path Video

Hero's Grant Walking Path Dedication

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